Primavera/Estate 2016 – Reggia di Caserta and other events

Primavera/Estate 2016 – Reggia di Caserta and other events

Spring - summer 2016 of Società di Danza is rich in events in various cities of Italy; member of Bologna of Società di Danza members have taken and will take part in some of these.

Sunday 22 May, nella Piazza del Duomo di Mirandola è stato organizzato dal Circolo Modenese - section of Mirandola - un Gran Ballo in costume ottocentesco. Ad esso hanno partecipato alcuni soci della Società di Danza Bolognese. The evening ended with a fun dinner in a typical restaurant.


Saturday 11 June, in the beautiful setting of the Palace of Caserta, some dameof Bologna took part in the Grand Ballroom Bourbon organized by the club of Naples of Società di Danza. The dance was preceded by a walk in 19th-century dress in the gardens of the Palace. Since the morning, participants were able to visit the beautiful bourbon residence; the evening also were able to stroll through the gardens lit by beautiful light effects.

Palace of Caserta

Photo album

Also on Saturday 11 June, at theSantuario delle Grazie di Curtatone altre dame bolognesi hanno partecipato al Gran Ballo Ottocento organizzato dal Circolo Mantovano della Società di Danza, within the event "The Magical Night". At the end of the Grand Ball the large audience it left itself involved in some easy dances. The evening ended with a nice dinner.

Santuario delle Grazie di Curtatone

Photo album

The summer promises to be long and eventful yet, to whom the shareholders bolognesi are going several.