Coloriture 2020 – Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti – Grand Ball at the Officers' Club

Coloriture 2020 – Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti – Grand Ball at the Officers

Coloriture 2020  Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti – For the fourth consecutive year, the Società di Danza Bolognese has worked on the coloring "Grand Ball Ottocentesco at the Officers' Club", which was attended by some students of Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti. It was an activity linked to dance music, the culture and atmosphere of European Romanticism. During the lessons were offered to children some dances of the nineteenth-century tradition now, such as waltzes, contraddanze, quadrilles, marches, mazurke, of the Dance Company's repertoire. As per tradition, it is danced to the music of the most famous nineteenth-century composers such as Strauss, Verdi and Rossini. The activity...

Christmas dance 2019

Christmas dance 2019

To mark the arrival of Christmas 2019, Bolognese members of the Society of Dance had the opportunity to dance at the Multipurpose Center Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the Circle Unified Army, to liven up their celebrations on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas. Christmas Party at the multipurpose center Mother Teresa of Calcutta Saturday 14 December the Società di Danza Bolognese, Multipurpose Center at the invitation of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, had the pleasure of animating for the second consecutive year the Christmas Party that the structure has organized for its guests. The public, formed by downtown residents and relatives, She spent an afternoon in joy, witnessing the execution of some Scottish contredanses,...

talents 2019

talents 2019

talents 2019 – Talents in Rer - Thursday 12 December the Società di Danza Bolognese participated for the third consecutive year TalentER. The show is organized for the past eight years by the CRAL of the Emilia Romagna Region and sees the participation of employees themselves, that bring into play their skills. L'event, which takes place at the Teatro Dehon, It is a charitable purpose and the proceeds are donated to AGEOP for Siepelunga home that welcomes parents of children, from all over Italy, to make the hospital chemotherapy S.Orsola. It 'a very salient event and in recent years has always been sold out (ben 500 seats sold). Since the first edition, by now 8 Years ago, the show has acquired a ...

Sunday AIAS Fico Eataly World

Sunday AIAS Fico Eataly World

Sunday 1 December, in full Christmas spirit, the Company of Dance Bolognese animated the afternoon at FICO World Eataly with a speech by nineteenth-century dance in favor of AIAS Bologna onlus. The dance was held Sunday at the event at AIAS Bologna Eataly FICO World, organized as part of the initiatives in favor of the non-profit organization, which it was held from 29 novembre to the 3 December 2019. Some dancers Bolognese Dance Company entertained the audience by demonstrating some dance including waltz, quadrilles, marches and contredanses, the music of some of the greatest composers of, to which Strauss and Verdi. The afternoon ended with a welcome dinner at the restaurant Pasta Bologna. The society...

September – October 2019 They resume the dances

September – October 2019 They resume the dances

Finally incorporate the dances – With the arrival of autumn, throughout Italy take up the courses for members of the Società di Danza. After the summer break, it is a pleasure to gather together to reshare moments of learning and growth. The dancers of the Bologna group have started the new dance season with participation in the Grape Festival that takes place annually in the town of Castenaso. Thursday 12 September, at the invitation of the municipality itself, They participated with a dance to line the festival opening night, in the central Piazza Bassi. It’ It was an opportunity, for members of Bologna, to review the dances in view of the Grand Ball Risorgimento in Piazza Minghetti. The evening ...

School Farini – 'Ball and rookies 2019

School Farini –

School Farini 2019 School Farini – With great expectations, even this year, for the fifth consecutive, at the end of year party which was held Tuesday 5 June, the students of the third middle school classes L. C. Farini have achieved the Grand Ball and rookies. In this edition participated 80 school pupils, who were divided into two groups of 40. In only four practice afternoons, actually two afternoons per group, winning their natural shyness and reluctance, the boys have experienced a new way of being together, sneaking in various kinds of nineteenth-century tradition of social dances. It does not seem, but at this age, shake hands without laughing is not a gesture ...