

Corsi di Danze dell'Ottocento e

Scottish Country Dances

To rediscover the charm and the pleasure of the art of dancing European tradition.

Monday hours 20.30
Wednesday hours 20.30

Paladanze Bologna

Via Provaglia n. 9/b

Click to see the map

Teacher: Maria Camporesi


The courses are divided into two semesters as follows:


I Quarter October 2024 - January 2025

2nd quarter February 2025 -  May 2025


In the courses we study social dances of the nineteenth-century European tradition including quadrilles, contraddanze, waltz figuratively, mazurka figured, polka, gallop, Scottish, and Scottish dancing.
Nineteenth-century dances are designed according to the research work and reconstruction ofSocietà di Danza.
The Scottish dancing (Scottish country dances) are designed in accordance with the Scottish tradition of danceRoyal Scottish Country Dance Society.


Registration can also be made in the course started and offers the opportunity to attend both evenings.


Discounts for students.


Free and free trial lesson!