Gran Ballo Risorgimentale in Piazza Minghetti

Gran Ballo Risorgimentale in Piazza Minghetti

Saturday 21 September Minghetti Square was transformed into a beautiful ballroom. The nineteenth-century buildings that surround it are the perfect setting of the Grand Ball Risorgimento, organized to celebrate 160 years of the Assembly's declaration of Romagna, that in September 1859 Bologna, under the chairmanship of Marco Minghetti, Bologna protagonist of the history of the Italian Risorgimento, proclaimed he no longer wants the papal temporal power, proposing the annexation to the future Kingdom of Italy, that led to the next plebiscite of March 1860. Below, the beautiful article by Bologna Today "We the representatives of the peoples of Romagna, gathered in General Assembly, appellandone of God ...

Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2019

Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2019

Rocchetta Mattei 2019 Saturday 15 June, always in the fantastic setting of the Rocchetta Mattei, for the third consecutive year, the Company of Dance Bolognese achieved a Grand Ball Ottocentesco in one of the most evocative of the Bolognese historic homes. At the invitation of the municipality of Grizzana Morandi, the Grand Ball was organized at the opening of an extraordinary evening, during which they were made tours which allowed to attend the event. The Grand Ball Ottocentesco is designed to pay tribute to the historical period in which the Rocchetta Mattei achieved fame and beauty that still preserves. The Grand Ballroom in the nineteenth century were the high point of social life town and pl ...

Grand Ball of Roses 2019

Grand Ball of Roses 2019

Grand Ball of Roses 2019 – Here we are in April with the blossoming of the first roses of the year, arrives, Great Ball of Roses to the Officers' Club. Sunday 14 April at the Salone d'Onore of Palazzo Grassi, home to the Officers Club of Bologna, the Società di Danza Bolognese has organized this year, as a pleasant habit, Gran Ballo delle Rose. The name “Grand Ball of Roses” was chosen to recreate an ideal connection with the first Great Dances organized by the Società di Danza between the 1991 and 1993 just in this wonderful hall. For the occasion, we were privileged to have as guests the National President of the National Society of Dance Federation,...

Grand Ball New Year 2019

Grand Ball New Year 2019

Dancin'Bo Year 2019 – Bologna dances for parties –  In the largest historic saloon only existing span in Italy, the Company of Dance has created a Grand Ball Ottocentesco to celebrate the New Year, with the participation of dancers Società di Danza in 19th century costume, from all over Italy. The dancers have revived the charming atmosphere of the society of the time parties, dancing quadrilles, waltz, contraddanze, mazurkas and polkas on the music of great Italian and foreign composers. The Grand Ball Ottocentesco was created as part of Dancin'Bo, event from 28 December 2018 1 January 2019, He has proposed a full calendar of events to bring ...

Grand Ball Ottocentesco under the Two Towers 2018

Grand Ball Ottocentesco under the Two Towers 2018

Piazza Nettuno relive the atmosphere of nineteenth-century dances under the majestic gaze of the statue by Giambologna, with quadrilles, waltz, contraddanze, mazurkas and polkas, ballads in period costume by more than 100 dancers from all over Italy: it was possible Saturday 22 September at 17 in Piazza Nettuno in Bologna in nineteenth-century Great Dance edited by the Cultural Society of Dance Bolognese.   Now in its 3aedizione, The event was organized under the patronage of the Emilia Romagna, the Municipality and the City of Bologna Metro, part of the "Le Salsamentarie 2018 – knowledge & Flavors at the Palace ", sponsored by Mutual Salsamentari 1876 and organized by The Real ...

Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2018

Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2018

Grand Ball Rocchetta 2018 Saturday 9 June, in the fantastic setting of the Rocchetta Mattei, at the invitation of the municipality of Grizzana Morandi, for the second consecutive year, the Società di Danza Bolognese,  It achieved a Grand Ball Ottocentesco in one of the most evocative of the Bolognese historic homes. The Grand Ball was organized at the opening of an extraordinary evening, during which they were made tours which allowed to attend the event. The Grand Ball Ottocentesco is designed to pay tribute to the historical period in which the Rocchetta Mattei achieved fame and beauty that still preserves. The Grand Ballroom in the nineteenth century were the high point of social life and city ...