Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2018

Great Ball at Rocchetta Mattei 2018


Saturday 9 June, in the peaceful surrounding ofRocchetta Mattei, your invite the City of Grizzana Morandi, for the second consecutive year, the Società di Danza Bolognese,  It achieved a Grand Ball Ottocentesco in one of the most evocative of the Bolognese historic homes.

The Grand Ball was organized at the opening of an extraordinary evening, during which they were made tours which allowed to attend the event.

The Grand Ball Ottocentesco is designed to pay tribute to the historical period in which the Rocchetta Mattei achieved fame and beauty that still preserves. The Grand Ballroom in the nineteenth century were the high point of the town and social life since the years of the Risorgimento were fighting a privileged place, for the dissemination of ideas unitary, Liberal Democrats.

In a wonderful summer evening, led by a master of ceremonies, over 40 the Dance Company dancers have revived the charming atmosphere of the society of the time parties, dancing quadrilles, waltz, contraddanze, mazurkas and polkas on the most beautiful music of the great Italian and foreign composers.

At the end of the evening, Also the dancers were able to visit Rocchetta, during a suggestive visit guided night.

We thank the City of Grizzana Morandi to the exquisite hospitality and availability.
