Great Ball of Dawn – Forlì – of the bench circle

Great Ball of Dawn – Forlì – of the bench circle

Saturday 18 November atPalazzo Albicini, the clubhouse of the Art, Il Circolo di Romagna of Società di Danza has organized the Grand Ball of Dawn, attended by numerous Associates bolognesi. The ball took the title from fresco by Carlo Cignani portraying the Aurora present in the Ballroom. The beautiful rooms richly decorated with frescoes ceilings and the beautiful chandeliers also looked for more than three hours several dancers alternating in waltz, mazurke, quadrilles, country dances and marches. Some dances were accompanied by the sound of the harp. Half of the dance was served a tasty hot tea with biscuits. The term is followed by dinner, adversely affected by a beautiful and delicious cake. Very particular and sympathetic tribute given to dancers: a ceramic sculpture depicting a couple, Maria and Felice, going to the dance, work of sculptor, ceramistAnna Tazzari from Bagnacavallo.