Isabella at the Park

Isabella at the Park

The synergy between the associations participating in the Planning table, sponsored by the Quartiere San Donato, del quale fa parte anche la Società di Danza Bolognese, the project named "Isabella", che, in continuità con le iniziative degli anni precedenti del Tavolo di Progettazione Partecipata, had the intent to propose socio-cultural activities and constant during the entire summer, in the garden area Gino Cervi.

The Società di Danza Bolognese participated with a lecture open to the nineteenth-century dances held on 25 August at the Gino Cervi and Garden with an entertaining demonstrations of traditional Scottish country dance, held on 13 September at Casa Isabella.

While both initiatives the public actively participated with few simple dances of involvement.

Open lecture

Photo album

Scottish Country Dances