Coloriture 2018 – Liceo Classico M. Minghetti

Coloriture 2018 – Liceo Classico M. Minghetti


Coloriture 2018  Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti - For the second consecutive year, the Società di Danza Bolognese has worked on the coloring "Grand Ball Ottocentesco at the Officers' Club" which involved some students of Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti.
It was an activity linked to dance music, the culture and atmosphere of European Romanticism. During the lessons were offered to children some dances of the nineteenth-century tradition now, such as waltzes, contraddanze, quadrilles, marches, mazurke, repertorio the Società di Danza. It is danced to the music of the most famous nineteenth-century composers such as Strauss, Brahms, Rossini, Verdi. The activity culminated, Thursday, 15 February, the Officers Club, on the beautiful Salone d'Onore of Palazzo Grassi, where students, in costumes provided by the association, They have created a romantic Grand Ball Ottocentesco, putting into practice the dances learned the previous mornings.

We thank the Dean Dr.. Fabio Gambetti and the High School Teachers M. Minghetti for also giving us the wonderful opportunity this year to live this wonderful experience.

But a very special thanks go to the students who participated in the coloring with enthusiasm, attention and passion, giving us lots of satisfactions.

Coloriture 2018

Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti

Aphotographic album

Programme Dances


Marcia Input, Spanish Waltz, Marcia Russian,
Lancers Quadrille, valzer Brahms,
Contraddanza William Tell, Mazurka Fata Morgana,
Russian Waltz, Gallop



Furthermore, Friday 13 April, the Società di Danza Bolognese was invited by 'Association of Minghettiani to participate in the annual Feast of Minghettiani, which was held, as usual, Liceo Classico Marco Minghetti, with a replica of the Ballo in nineteenth century costume, already realized in the coloring. The boys became available with enthusiasm to participate in the. It is not lack of emotion in the show dances to the audience and also to the teachers present. The young participants, although to a lesser number, with respect to the coloring, They have been able to master with ease and skill prepared dances, thus proving a great success.